John Davidson

javascript - MySQL way to store monthly revenue


I want to store restaurant's monthly revenue (income and expenses), and later show it on a line graph for every year. I have come to this workaround I would store in year variable for example 2020-01-01 and then it should be adding values to all the following row for every month. Would it even work this way? Or should I use one date type and add months to it?

My Answer:
You can store the monthly revenue data in a MySQL table with a date column and separate columns for income and expenses. Here is an example table structure:

CREATE TABLE monthly_revenue (
date DATE,
income DECIMAL(10, 2),
expenses DECIMAL(10, 2)

You can then insert monthly revenue data into this table like this:

INSERT INTO monthly_revenue (date, income, expenses) VALUES ('2020-01-01', 10000.00, 5000.00);
INSERT INTO monthly_revenue (date, income, expenses) VALUES ('2020-02-01', 12000.00, 6000.00);
INSERT INTO monthly_revenue (date, income, expenses) VALUES ('2020-03-01', 15000.00, 7000.00);

To show the data on a line graph for every year, you can use a query to retrieve the data for a specific year and then use a charting library like Chart.js to display the data on a line graph.

If you want to add values to all the following rows for every month, you can use a query to calculate the cumulative values for each month. Here is an example query to calculate the cumulative income and expenses for each month:

(SELECT SUM(income) FROM monthly_revenue AS mr2 WHERE YEAR( = YEAR( AND MONTH( <= MONTH( AS cumulative_income,
(SELECT SUM(expenses) FROM monthly_revenue AS mr2 WHERE YEAR( = YEAR( AND MONTH( <= MONTH( AS cumulative_expenses
FROM monthly_revenue AS mr
WHERE YEAR(date) = 2020
ORDER BY date;

This query will give you the cumulative income and expenses for each month in the year 2020. You can then use this data to create a line graph showing the monthly revenue trends for the year.

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