John Davidson

php - Token based authentication vs JWT or passport laravel?


What's the different if I used a column in users table api_token for token auth, and if I used JWT or passport Laravel ???

My app is an e-commerce contains an API for mobile apps!

My Answer:
Token based authentication, JWT, and Passport in Laravel are all methods of authentication in web applications. Here are the differences between them:

1. Token based authentication: In this method, a unique token is generated for each user and stored in the users table. This token is then sent with each request to authenticate the user. This method is simple and easy to implement, but it lacks some advanced features like token expiration and revocation.

2. JWT (JSON Web Tokens): JWT is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. It is a stateless authentication mechanism that allows the server to verify the authenticity of the user without storing any session information. JWTs are commonly used in modern web applications for authentication and authorization.

3. Passport: Passport is an OAuth2 server implementation for Laravel. It provides a full OAuth2 server implementation for your Laravel application, allowing you to issue access tokens and authenticate users using the OAuth2 protocol. Passport is more secure and feature-rich compared to simple token-based authentication.

For an e-commerce app with an API for mobile apps, it is recommended to use JWT or Passport for authentication. These methods provide better security, scalability, and flexibility compared to simple token-based authentication. Passport, in particular, is a good choice if you need to implement OAuth2 authentication for your API.

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