John Davidson

javascript - querySelectorAll doesn't find element in Woocommerce single product page


Trying to work with single product gallery navigation. This is Woocommerce website.

Here is HTML code of this area:

I'm sorry, but I can't copy it from page source, because there is no such piece of code.
I am trying to get ol.flex-control-nav element using this code:

let addImagesLength = document.querySelectorAll('.woocommerce-product-gallery ol');

My Answer:
The `querySelectorAll` method in JavaScript is used to select all elements in the document that match a specified CSS selector. It returns a static NodeList containing all the selected elements.

Here is an example of how to use `querySelectorAll`:

// Select all elements with the class name "example"
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.example');

// Loop through the NodeList and do something with each element
elements.forEach(element => {

In this example, `querySelectorAll` is used to select all elements with the class name "example" and then a `forEach` loop is used to log the text content of each element to the console.

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