John Davidson

math - PHP Convert any kg amount to a readable metric unit


I am trying to create a mathematical function (in PHP) that will take a given number of Kg, and convert them to a readable form or better yet, return the unit best suited for that amount. The input will always be kg. Preferably log.

For example:

5 kg = (5) kg

0.5 kg = (500) gm

1000 kg = (1) tonne

0.001 kg = (1) gm

0.0001 kg = (100) mg

I know there is a way to do it using log or log10 functions but I cannot figure it out.

How could it be done?

My Answer:
Here is a PHP function that converts a given amount in kg to a readable metric unit:

function convertToReadableUnit($kg) {
if ($kg >= 1000) {
$unit = "tonne";
$value = $kg / 1000;
} elseif ($kg >= 1) {
$unit = "kg";
$value = $kg;
} elseif ($kg >= 0.001) {
$unit = "gm";
$value = $kg * 1000;
} else {
$unit = "mg";
$value = $kg * 1000000;

return "($value) $unit";

// Test cases
echo convertToReadableUnit(5) . "\n"; // Output: (5) kg
echo convertToReadableUnit(0.5) . "\n"; // Output: (500) gm
echo convertToReadableUnit(1000) . "\n"; // Output: (1) tonne
echo convertToReadableUnit(0.001) . "\n"; // Output: (1) gm
echo convertToReadableUnit(0.0001) . "\n"; // Output: (100) mg

This function checks the input amount in kg and determines the best unit to convert it to based on the value. It then calculates the converted value and returns it in the specified unit.

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