John Davidson

php - WordPress: Remove "plugins_loaded" hooked action executed by a plugin


I need to remove the following action executed by a plugin:

add_action('plugins_loaded', 'remove_variable_product_add_to_cart');

That is all things that I have tried so far (without success):**

1.) I tried adding this to my theme's functions.php as well as to a plugin I created (but it didn't work):

remove_action('plugins_loaded', 'remove_variable_product_add_to_cart');

2.) I have created a plugin and also a function, and added this to it:

add_action('plugins_loaded', 'remove_unwanted_code');
function remove_unwanted_code(){
remove_action('plugins_loaded', 'remove_variable_product_add_to_cart');

3.) I also tried adding a later priority like so:

add_action('plugins_loaded', 'remove_unwanted_code');
function remove_unwanted_code(){
remove_action('plugins_loaded', 'remove_variable_product_add_to_cart', 31);

Nothing works for instance. What am I missing? Any ideas?

My Answer:
To remove PHP code from a WordPress website, you can follow these steps:

1. Access the WordPress dashboard by logging in to your website.
2. Go to the Appearance section and click on the Theme Editor.
3. In the Theme Editor, locate the file where the PHP code is located (e.g., functions.php, header.php, footer.php).
4. Find the PHP code that you want to remove and delete it from the file.
5. Save the changes by clicking on the Update File button.

Alternatively, you can also use a child theme to make changes to your theme without affecting the original theme files. This way, you can safely remove PHP code without the risk of breaking your website.

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