John Davidson

php - Accessing related models in many to many relationships in Laravel


I have three tables users, profiles and roles. The users and profiles tables has one to one relationships and the users and roles has many to many relationships using a pivto table role_user. In the Role model, I retrieve related users:

Role model

public function users() 
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class);

My problem is that the above method only retrieves the users and not their profiles. In fact, I want to get users as well as their profiles using a role model and then paginate them.

public function getUsers($role)
return $role->users()->paginate(50);

So, how can I retrieve users and their profiles using a Role model?

My Answer:

Now, to access the related users for a specific role, you can do the following in your controller or wherever you need to access the data:

$role = Role::find($roleId);
$users = $role->users;

This will retrieve all the users related to the specific role with the given `$roleId`. You can then loop through the `$users` collection to access each user's data.

Additionally, you can eager load the users when querying for roles to avoid the N+1 query problem:

$roles = Role::with('users')->get();

This will retrieve all roles along with their related users in a single query, improving performance.

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