John Davidson

php - Explode comma separated values to append anchor href for each value


Comma seprated values are stored in a wordpress field. Now I want to echo out all the comma seprated values into anchors <a href="value1">value1</a> <br> <a href="value2">value2</a> etc. Number of comma seprate values shold be same a appended anchors. (It should not show any space in next value, if there is space after comma)

I have tried it by using,

$values = explode(',', ''. get_post_meta( $order->id, '_xrd_ref', true ) .'');
foreach ($values) {echo '<p><a href="'. $values .'">'. __( '. $values .' ) . '</a><p>';}

My Answer:
// Get the comma separated values from the wordpress field
$values = get_field('comma_separated_values');

// Explode the values into an array
$items = explode(',', $values);

// Loop through each value and echo out as anchor tags
foreach($items as $item) {
echo '' . trim($item) . '

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