John Davidson

php - Cannot inject EntityManagerInterface to use doctrine inside a service on symfony3.4


I added the EntityManagerInterface to use doctrine inside the service

namespace AppBundle\Service;

class UploadFileService

private $upload_directory;

private $is_api;
private $em;

public function __construct($upload_directory, EntityManagerInterface $em,$isApi = false )
$this->upload_directory = $upload_directory;
$this->is_api = $isApi;
$this->em = $em;

and its calles this way

$uploadService = new UploadFileService($this->getParameter('upload_directory'));

but I get this error

Type error: Too few arguments to function AppBundle\Service\UploadFileService::__construct(), 1 passed in /var/www/project/src/AppBundle/Controller/ManageController.php on line 516 and at least 2 expected

Autowiring is activated and I checked some answers here and I applied the solution but it doesn't work

My Answer:
upload_directory = $upload_directory; $this->is_api = $isApi; $this->em = $em; } public function saveFile($file) { // logic to save file using doctrine $this->em->persist($file); $this->em->flush(); }}?>

In the above code, I have added EntityManagerInterface as a type-hint in the constructor of the UploadFileService class. This allows Symfony's dependency injection container to inject an instance of EntityManagerInterface when creating an instance of UploadFileService.

Make sure you have imported the EntityManagerInterface class at the top of your file:

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;

Also, make sure that you have properly configured your services.yml or services.xml file to define the service and inject the EntityManagerInterface. Here is an example of how you can define the service in services.yml:

class: AppBundle\Service\UploadFileService
$upload_directory: '%upload_directory%'
$em: '@doctrine.orm.entity_manager'
$isApi: false

In this configuration, we are injecting the EntityManagerInterface service provided by Doctrine into the UploadFileService class.

After making these changes, you should be able to use Doctrine's EntityManager inside your service.

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