John Davidson

php - Why localhost path is redirecting to web URL?


I am trying to work on a website on localhost, the folder of the project is located in htdocs. When I launch XAMPP and try to access the website in any browser (localhost:8080/project-name), it automatically redirects me to the live URL ( What may be the cause of this? Thank you for your help in advance.

My Answer:
There are a few possible reasons why your localhost path is redirecting to the live URL:

1. Check your .htaccess file: There may be a rule in your .htaccess file that is causing the redirect. Look for any RewriteRule or Redirect directives that could be redirecting your localhost URL to the live URL.

2. Check your virtual host configuration: If you are using virtual hosts in XAMPP, make sure that your virtual host configuration is set up correctly and is not causing the redirect.

3. Clear your browser cache: Sometimes browsers cache redirects, so try clearing your browser cache and cookies to see if that resolves the issue.

4. Check for any PHP redirects: Make sure that there are no PHP scripts in your project that are redirecting the URL to the live site.

5. Check for any JavaScript redirects: Look for any JavaScript code in your project that could be redirecting the URL.

By checking these possible causes, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue of your localhost path redirecting to the live URL.

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