John Davidson

php - check expire time for each verification code


In the code below i check If there is a record for the user Check if ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍exprire_at is smaller than it is now, it will expire and create a new code, otherwise show the user a message.
But in both cases a new code is created
What is the problem

if (Auth::User()->numberVerifies()->where('type','mobile')->exists()) {

$expiry = optional(Auth::user()->numberVerifies()->where('type','mobile')->select('expire_at')->first())->expire_at;
if ($expiry < Carbon::now()) {
$code = rand(11111, 99999);
'user_id' => Auth::User()->id,
'type' => 'mobile',
'code' => $code,
'expire_at' => Carbon::now()->addSecond(60)

session()->flash('messageMobile', 'code created.');

elseif ($expiry > Carbon::now()) {
session()->flash('messageMobile', 'you have a code');


My Answer:
The issue in your code is that you are creating a new verification code regardless of whether the existing code has expired or not. This is because you are checking the expiry time and creating a new code inside the same if statement.

To fix this issue, you should separate the code creation logic from the expiry check. Here is an updated version of your code:

if (Auth::User()->numberVerifies()->where('type','mobile')->exists()) {

$expiry = optional(Auth::user()->numberVerifies()->where('type','mobile')->select('expire_at')->first())->expire_at;

if ($expiry < Carbon::now()) {
$code = rand(11111, 99999);
'user_id' => Auth::User()->id,
'type' => 'mobile',
'code' => $code,
'expire_at' => Carbon::now()->addSecond(60)

session()->flash('messageMobile', 'New code created.');
else {
session()->flash('messageMobile', 'You already have a code.');

With this updated code, a new verification code will only be created if the existing code has expired. Otherwise, the user will be notified that they already have a valid code.

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