John Davidson

php - How can I get a random username from my first array but check the second array


How can I get a random username from my first array, but the username selected shouldn't be in the "denied usernames Array" in PHP

Array of usernames
Array (
[0] => stdClass Object ( [user_login] => emma88 )
[1] => stdClass Object ( [user_login] => milli )
[2] => stdClass Object ( [user_login] => [email protected] )
[3] => stdClass Object ( [user_login] => shawn )
[4] => stdClass Object ( [user_login] => shawnfao2 )

denied usernames Array:
Array (
[0] => Array ( [username] => emma88 )
[1] => Array ( [username] => milli )
[2] => Array ( [username] => [email protected] )

My Answer:
You can achieve this by first filtering out the denied usernames from the first array and then selecting a random username from the filtered array. Here's how you can do it:

// Array of usernames
$usernames = [
(object) ['user_login' => 'emma88'],
(object) ['user_login' => 'milli'],
(object) ['user_login' => ''],
(object) ['user_login' => 'shawn'],
(object) ['user_login' => 'shawnfao2']

// Denied usernames array
$deniedUsernames = [
['username' => 'emma88'],
['username' => 'milli'],
['username' => '']

// Filter out denied usernames
$filteredUsernames = array_filter($usernames, function($username) use ($deniedUsernames) {
foreach ($deniedUsernames as $denied) {
if ($username->user_login === $denied['username']) {
return false;
return true;

// Get a random username from the filtered array
$randomUsername = $filteredUsernames[array_rand($filteredUsernames)]->user_login;

echo $randomUsername;

This code will first filter out the denied usernames from the `$usernames` array and then select a random username from the filtered array.

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