John Davidson

php - email domain matches current domain


I have an application that will run on other domains. The application needs to check if an email address matches the domain of the site running the application.

So, if email = [email protected] ,

  • if application is running on , return true

  • if application is running on, return true

  • if application is running on, return false

I understand that the $_SERVER variables might be incorrect due to spoofing. So what is the best way for the server running the application to get the server's domain name?

My Answer: and the current domain is, the application should return true. If the email is [email protected] and the current domain is, the application should return false.

Here is a PHP function that can be used to check if the email domain matches the current domain:

function emailDomainMatchesCurrentDomain($email) {
$emailParts = explode('@', $email);
$emailDomain = $emailParts[1];
$currentDomain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];

return $emailDomain === $currentDomain;

$email = '';
if (emailDomainMatchesCurrentDomain($email)) {
echo 'Email domain matches current domain';
} else {
echo 'Email domain does not match current domain';

This function first splits the email address into two parts using the "@" symbol. It then compares the domain part of the email address with the current domain obtained from the $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] variable. If the two domains match, the function returns true, indicating that the email domain matches the current domain. Otherwise, it returns false.

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