John Davidson

php - Laravel Dynamic Filesystem Configuration Set in Controller Level


I'm trying to set filesystem configuration value dynamically in controller level. (I think it's almost impossible).

For example:

    'sftp' => [
'driver' => 'sftp',
'host' => env('SFTP_HOST'),
'port' => intval(env('SFTP_PORT')),
'username' => env('SFTP_USERNAME'),
'password' => env('SFTP_PASSWORD'),

This is my SFTP disk configuration value in filesystems.php.

I will have host, port, username, password values dynamically from database table. (There will be multiple records.)

And I'm trying to connect File System using File Manager Package. (ie:

When I used static values, it worked well.

Now I'm trying to set it dynamically in Controller level.

$myConfigArrayvalue = MyModel::find($id);
config(['filesystems.disk.sftp' => $myConfigArrayvalue);

When I dd(config('filesystems.disk.sftp')) in controller or view, it shows dynamically value.

but in File Manager Package (ServiceProvider), it was showing empty value so when I go to view page, it didn't work.

I think this is because ServiceProvider was called before Controller.

Can anyone please help me how to do this?

My Answer:
> You can achieve this by using the `Config` facade in Laravel to dynamically set the filesystem configuration in the controller level. Here's an example of how you can do this:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config;

public function setFilesystemConfig($driver)
Config::set('filesystems.disks.sftp.driver', $driver);

In this example, the `setFilesystemConfig` method takes the desired driver as a parameter and dynamically sets the `driver` configuration for the `sftp` disk in the filesystem configuration.

You can then call this method in your controller to dynamically set the filesystem configuration based on your requirements.

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