John Davidson

php - Get all available attributes with values for special collection on EAV


I'm using this package for deploying EAV model.

As any EAV system I have different table for storing varchar, boolean, text and integer value in my database, and attributes table for storing attribute.
I need to get all available attribute based on my posts list (collection).

For example a special list of posts

$posts = Post::where('category_id',2)->where('tag_id',4)->get();

On each post I have difference attribute with difference value, I need a way to get all attribute on this list (not all attribute on system) AND available value based on this collection.

I'm developing a filtering page for my posts and I need to show available attribute on sidebar with their available value to change.

My Answer:
> To get all available attributes with values for a special collection in an EAV model, you can follow these steps:

1. First, define your Post model with the necessary relationships to the attribute and value tables. Make sure to set up the relationships correctly in your models.

2. Next, retrieve the posts collection based on your criteria. For example, to get all posts with category_id equal to 2:

$posts = Post::where('category_id', 2)->get();

3. Loop through each post in the collection and retrieve the attributes and values associated with it. You can do this by accessing the attribute values through the relationships you have set up in your models.

foreach ($posts as $post) {
$attributes = $post->attributes; // Assuming you have set up a relationship in your Post model
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$value = $post->getAttributeValue($attribute->name); // Assuming you have a method to get attribute value in your Post model
echo $attribute->name . ': ' . $value . '

4. This code will loop through each post in the collection and retrieve all available attributes with their corresponding values. Make sure to adjust the code according to your specific model setup and relationships.

By following these steps, you should be able to get all available attributes with values for a special collection in your EAV model.

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