John Davidson

php - loop in time using laravel 8


please i need your help to get time looping
i have a start time and end time , and i want to list of array times with added 30 minutes i am trying to get code like below but array return empty

$available_times = [];
$module = $garage->work_time;
$from = date("H:i", strtotime($module->from));
$to = date("H:i", strtotime($module->to));
$time = strtotime($from);
$new_time = date("H:i", strtotime('30 minutes', $time));
if(!in_array(date("h:i a" , strtotime($new_time)), $available_times))
array_push($available_times , date("h:i a" , strtotime($new_time)));
while($new_time < $to)
$time = strtotime($new_time);
$new_time = date("H:i", strtotime('+30 minutes', $new_time));
if($new_time . ':00' >= $to)

if(!in_array(date("h:i a" , strtotime($new_time)), $available_times))
array_push($available_times , date("h:i a" , strtotime($new_time)));

return $available_times;

can any one help me i want a list like that

"9:30 am",
"10:00 am",
"10:30 am",
"11:00 am",
"11:30 am",


My Answer:
> Here is an example code snippet in Laravel 8 that loops through the time range and adds 30 minutes to each iteration:

$start_time = '09:00:00';
$end_time = '17:00:00';

$available_times = [];

$current_time = $start_time;

while (strtotime($current_time) <= strtotime($end_time)) {
$available_times[] = $current_time;
$current_time = date("H:i:s", strtotime($current_time) + 1800); // Add 30 minutes (1800 seconds)

// Output the array of available times

In this code snippet, we start with the `$start_time` and loop through until we reach the `$end_time`, adding 30 minutes to each iteration using the `strtotime` and `date` functions. The resulting array `$available_times` will contain all the times in 30-minute intervals between the start and end times.

Make sure to replace `$start_time` and `$end_time` with your actual start and end times, and adjust the time format if needed. Let me know if you need any further assistance!

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