John Davidson

php - Laravel 6 config mail dynamic problem at job using ShouldQueue


I have a listener which implement ShouldQueue, the listener is handling a mail sending when event occurs. The job detects which type of user gets the email and config the mail sender name :

$displayName = $user->is_type() == 1 ? 'sender_name1' : 'sender_name2';

config(['mail.from' =>
'name' => $displayName

On multiple actions the sender name is sent incorrectly even though the config occurs.
By printing getmypid() looks like the job runs on a process that already took care of
an older job and the sender name that used was of the older one.

Any suggestions for a solution please?

My Answer:
>isAdmin ? 'Admin' : 'User';

Config::set('', $displayName);

// Send the email
Mail::to($user->email)->send(new MyMail());

This code dynamically sets the sender name based on whether the user is an admin or a regular user before sending the email. Make sure to import the necessary classes at the top of your listener file:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;

This should solve the problem of dynamically configuring the sender name for the email in your Laravel job using ShouldQueue.

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