John Davidson

PHP Variable assignment does not work as expected


I am trying to assign parameters listed in the URL save into my variables. You can see the procedure here:



foreach($_GET as $key => $value) {
if (strcmp($key, "browser")) {
$browser = $value;
elseif (strcmp($key, "version")) {
$version = $value;
elseif (strcmp($key, "page")) {
$page = $value;

echo $browser;
echo $version;
echo $page;

But unfortunately, it only prints out the browser and the version. The page does not appear. Yes, the page parameter is definitely written correctly in the URL. If I change code like this, the variables get printed out correctly:


foreach($_GET as $key => $value) {
if (strcmp($key, "browser")) {
echo $value;
elseif (strcmp($key, "version")) {
echo $value;
elseif (strcmp($key, "page")) {
echo $value;

Link shematik: ./bglink/addstats.php?browser=Chrome&version=96&page=index

Thanks in advance.

My Answer:
// Get the parameters from the URL
$param1 = $_GET['param1'];
$param2 = $_GET['param2'];

// Check if the parameters are set
if(isset($param1) && isset($param2)) {
// Assign the parameters to variables
$variable1 = $param1;
$variable2 = $param2;

// Use the variables for further processing
echo "Variable 1: " . $variable1 . "
echo "Variable 2: " . $variable2 . "
} else {
echo "Parameters not set in the URL";

Make sure that the parameters `param1` and `param2` are passed in the URL in the following format: `¶m2=value2`. If the parameters are not set in the URL, the script will output "Parameters not set in the URL".

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