John Davidson

php - laravel Eloquent with and without an instance


I am new to Laravel.

I want to know the difference between

  1. Instanstiating a Model class.

 $example = new modelClass();

  1. Without instantiating a Model Class.

  $example = ModelClass::all();

Could anyone please help. Thanks.

My Answer:
> When you instantiate a Model class in Laravel using `$example = new modelClass();`, you are creating a new instance of that model class in memory. This means that you are creating a new object that represents a single record in the database.

> On the other hand, when you use Eloquent to interact with the database, you do not need to manually instantiate the Model class. Eloquent provides a set of methods that allow you to query the database and retrieve records without explicitly creating instances of the Model class.

> In general, it is recommended to use Eloquent methods for database interactions in Laravel as it provides a more convenient and expressive way to work with your database records.

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