John Davidson

php - Order object properties based on values of an array


I have the following object:

'new_value' => 
'name' => 'Teste',
'key' => 'TESTE',
'icon' => 'empty',

And the following array:

0 => 'name',
1 => 'icon',
2 => 'key',

However I would like to arrange the properties in the object based in the value of the array, so the result would be:

'new_value' => 
'name' => 'Test',
'icon' => 'empty',
'key' => 'TEST',

How can I achieve this? I couldn't find anything on google related to this, only how to sort an array of objects.

My Answer:
'name' => 'John',
'age' => 30,
'city' => 'New York'

I also have an array that specifies the order in which I want the object properties to be displayed:

$order = array('city', 'name', 'age');

To order the object properties based on the values in the $order array, you can create a new object with the properties in the desired order. Here's how you can do it:

$new_order = new stdClass();

foreach ($order as $key) {
$new_order->$key = $new_value[$key];


This code will create a new object $new_order with the properties in the order specified by the $order array. The output will be:

stdClass Object
[city] => New York
[name] => John
[age] => 30

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