John Davidson

php - take 10 records and skip 10 records in Laravel


I have 20 records in my SQL table. I want to take the first 10 records (0-10) for the sender_id then skip and take the last 10 records (10-20) for the receiver_id

    public function definition()
return [
'sender_id' => User::limit(10)->inRandomOrder()->get()->first()->id,
'receiver_id' => User::skip(10)->take(10)->inRandomOrder()->get()->first()->id,

The problem is that even after defining the limit at 10 I still have records with id higher than 10 in the 'sender_id' which is supposed to be (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)

My Answer:
> DB::table('table_name')->select('*')->take(10)->get(),
'receiver_id' => DB::table('table_name')->select('*')->skip(10)->take(10)->get()

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