John Davidson

zip - php ZipArchive read from any opened resource


I need to read files from ZIP archives with PHP.
And my zip is not on the disk. It is accessible with http url.
There is the extension ZipArchive . It works fine if a file is on disk . Is it possible to use this extension with some opened resource instead of opening a file by path?

Important note, i can not download a zip file temporary to disk. I can work only with the file remotely.

If not ZipArchive, maybe there are other similar libraries for Zip that can read from stream?

There is simple example which doesn't work.

$zip = new ZipArchive();
$fh = fopen('zipfiles/','r');

$status = $zip->open($fh);

if ($status !== TRUE) {
exit("Error $status");

echo "Number of files: ".$zip->numFiles;

But this one works fine

$zip = new ZipArchive();

$status = $zip->open('zipfiles/');

if ($status !== TRUE) {
exit("Error $status");

echo "Number of files: ".$zip->numFiles;

My Answer:
> Unfortunately, the ZipArchive extension in PHP does not support reading from a stream or resource directly. It requires a file path to open a ZIP archive.

However, you can use other libraries like `ZipStream` or `ZipStream-PHP` which allow you to create ZIP archives from streams or resources. These libraries can be used to read files from a remote ZIP archive without downloading it to disk.

Here is an example using ZipStream-PHP:

use PclZip\ZipStream;

$zipStream = new ZipStream();

foreach ($zipStream->getFiles() as $file) {
// Process each file in the ZIP archive
echo $file->getName() . "\n";


You can find more information and documentation on how to use ZipStream-PHP on their GitHub repository:

Please note that using remote resources in this way may have performance implications and may not be suitable for large ZIP archives or frequent access.

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